Wills Winery

Buy direct from the manufacturer and save! Make your own wine with the finest of grape juices ready for your enjoyment in as little as six weeks! We now carry Mead (Wine that is made using honey instead of grapes.)
We also have a wide variety of quality wines on the shelf. Our products come in two grades; Elite and Extraordinaire.
Elite is made from the finest grape concentrates and ready for your enjoyment in as few as five weeks.

Extraordinaire is pure juice harvested from the finest vineyards of the world and produces an exquisite bouquet, body and nose. Extraordinaire is recommended aging at a minimum of six months.

We are Located On M24 in Beautiful Heritage Square Plaza (Directly Across from E.G. Nicks)
814 S. Main St., Suite 3
Lapeer, MI 48446

Wills Winery
814 S. Main St.
Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone Number: 
Wills Winery
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