Village Winery Romeo

The Village Winery came about after many years of wine making as a hobby. Through sharing our wines with family and friends we hatched the idea of starting a winery. After a long year or so process of application and build-out, we opened the Village Winery on labor day weekend of 2007 during our annual Romeo Peach Festival. Fast forward to today, now in our seventh year of business, thanks to the many wonderful customers and their support, we have increased our retail and tasting room space to accommodate larger gatherings. We also expanded our production area to better accommodate a bottling and processing area and also to house larger stainless steel fermenters for increased production of wines.

Throughout the year the winery takes part in many of the local events along with the Romeo Washington Bruce Chamber of Commerce , the Romeo DDA / Downtown Development Authority and the MRP / Merchants Restaurants & Professional Asso. The Village Winery along with twelve partner wineries, have formed the "Thumbs Up Wine Trail" for a unique experience in wine tasting. The trail is a self driven trail through Macomb, St. Clair, Sanilac and Huron Counties, stop by the winery for a Thumbs Up Wine Trail brochure and map.

While your here visiting downtown Historic Romeo, enjoy a fun filled day, do some shopping in anyone of our unique retail shops, have lunch at one of our many great restaurants and then stop by the Village Winery to finish out your day.

Village Winery Romeo
134 W. St. Clair St.
Romeo, MI 48065
Phone Number: 
Village Winery Romeo
Village Winery Romeo
Village Winery Romeo
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