Pleasantview Vineyards
PleasantView Winery is a Northern Michigan vineyard that specializes in unusual, eclectic blends from American varietal grapes.
Jerry - the winemaker/vintner/vineyard manager and general workaholic - because he loves what he does. Talk to him for only five minutes and you're caught up in his enthusiasm. You're ready to go out and plant grapes and open your own winery. It's contagious!
We grow the grapes, harvest the grapes, crush the grapes,
make the wine, bottle, sell and deliver the wine!!
Wine Education Seminar
Groups of six or more can schedule Wine Education Seminars at their convenience.
Check with us on the price per person (please wear sensible shoes)
2 to 2 1/2 hours
Wine grape growing information
Wine making procedures
Wine tasting explanations
Food pairing with a variety of wines & foods.