July 4th in Michigan

4th of July in Michigan
Enjoy Summertime Activities in Michigan

4th of July

Join us for a dazzling display of color, sound, and excitement, as we light up the skies and create unforgettable memories.

Food Fest
Don't miss this mouthwatering event that will satisfy your cravings and leave you hungry for more.

JULY 4 @ 9:00 AM

This annual event held on the 4th of July! Professional stone skippers will bring their best skipping skills and compete for the much coveted trophy! There will also be a Gerplunking Division (age 5 & under), a Pebbles Division (ages 6-12), and an Open Division (age 13 & up).

The Cadillac Freedom Festival is held annually the first weekend in July to celebrate our nations freedom and independence. Enjoy Live Music, Kid Carnival, Freedom Parade Downtown and of course Fireworks!

The TC Boom Boom Club is planning a BIGGER and BETTER fireworks display for our 4th of July celebration. The Traverse City Boom Club mission is to celebrate our community, the beauty of the Grand Traverse Region and freedom.

July 3-4, 2024

The perfect family outing is The Boyne City's 4th of July Festival held at Veterans Memorial Park on Lake Street. The GRAND PARADE* on Water Street and Lake Street. Begins at corner of East and Water Streets, proceeds west on Water Street to Lake Street, then north on Lake, ending at Glen's Market starts at 10 AM .

JUNE 29 - JULY 6, 2024

Every year over a half million people join in on the festivities of the National Cherry Festival in Traverse City Michigan the week of July 4th.

Michigan Life Products including t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts